Monday, August 22, 2011

Feed your soils, healthy plants, nutritious food, natural alternatives to synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.

I love this sustainable approach to farming (see article and link below). Build plant health by building soil health and nutrition, including microbes, so the plants can fend off disease - without pesticides and herbicides. This works for big farmers as well as urban farmers and home gardens alike.

Biosolids also acts as soil activators described in this article below by increasing beneficial microbes in the soil while feeding the plants with a long list  of beneficial nutrients. The foods and vitamins we ingest every day pass through us and are then processed (to remove pathogens) and become nutrient-packed biosolids ready to restart the "cycle of life."

Using biosolids to fertilize big farms, urban farms, and home gardens gets these valuable microbes and nutrients back into the soil where they can do the most good - increase yields and improve the quality of our gardens and even the taste of our food. And the cycle keeps on going. Renewable and sustainable.

Compare this approach to non-renewable, mined, unsustainable synthetic fertilizers. We can't manufacture what nature has designed. We can't take a vitamin in place of eating whole foods. Synthetic fertilizers are akin to man-made, limited nutrients and Biosolids are equivalent to the whole food. The complete nutrients in biosolids make more nutritious foods and more healthy plants able to fend off disease without pesticides and herbicides that become entrenched and long-lasting in the environment. Ah, sustainability, sweet sustainability!

For those wondering, what about the Other stuff flushed down toilets and sinks that you don't want in your home garden. Good thought. We should all be aware and conscious of what we use in our every day lives can impact the environment, and comes back to us in the long-run. The environment is a never ending cycling that passes through our households. Hopefully, we can do our part to use environmentally-friendly products.

For those of us who add some pharmaceuticals to the environment out of necessity, a recent study at a treatment plant found only two detectable pharms in samples of biosolids. The result was it would take 48,000 gallons of biosolids to equal one dose of Viagra. The presence of pharmaceuticals is very small (one drop in a swimming pool) and plants uptake a minuscule portion of that.  USDA and universities have studied these topics for years, and the research continues to ensure safety.

The bottomline is that the nutrients and benefits to plant health from biosolids are nothing short of amazing - especially considering it's local, renewable, and sustainable. Thank you to Pro Soil for their inspiring article!!


Keep Your Crops from Being Eaten Alive

The best way to protect your crops from pests who would eat them alive is to put them on a balanced diet.  
Insects and diseases are opportunists who find their hosts by “listening” for imbalance. A plant weakened by poor soil conditions actually broadcasts a signal insects recognize as food. They can’t recognize the frequency of a healthy plant, however, and will pass it up in favor of the weak or infirmed every time.   
According to microbiologist, Dr. Bruce Tanio, “If you balance the nutrition in the plant no insect in the world will attack that plant.” 

Feed the Soil and Allow the Soil to Feed the Plant

Balancing a field’s soil biology and chemistry decreases the need for chemical pesticides because healthy, nutritionally-balanced plants are more resistant to stress from drought, weeds, disease and insect attacks.
Research has shown in fact, that growers who use a natural, enzyme-rich bio stimulant like Foundation 1-0-1 Biological Soil Activator to feed the soil and “allow the soil to feed the plant” are routinely able to reduce herbicide and insecticide  use by 10% or more per acre with the first application and 30% per acre over three years – without losing yield. In many cases, applying the soil activator has actually increased yields

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